You can get the fact-checked information related to the novel coronavirus in Japan.
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Timeline of What Chinese Authorities Were Announcing and When. 5) More than 100 new coronavirus cases within 2 days.
by InFact

Timeline of What Chinese Authorities Were Announcing and When. 4) The second death.
by InFact

Timeline of What Chinese Authorities Were Announcing and When. 3) Low likelihood of continuous person-to-person transmission
by InFact

Timeline of What Chinese Authorities Were Announcing and When. 2)The pathogen identified as a new coronavirus and the first death.
by InFact

Timeline of What Chinese Authorities Were Announcing and When. 1)The first announcement on New Year’s Eve 2019.
by InFact
By Categories
(A) The Virus, preventions and treatments
(B) Issues relating to the contagion
(C) Political issues
(D) Other rumors
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